About Me

David and I are first time parents. We have been married over 7 years and share a wonderful life together. We have a 6 and 1/2-year old black Lab named Kona. And now we have our beautiful daughter, Rachel. We enjoy traveling, playing tennis, movies and music/going to concerts. We are excited to share our life experiences with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moving day

Rachel slept in her actual crib last night. It was a big day for mom and dad.

She has been sleeping in our room in a family heirloom cradle. We have enjoyed having her in our room - being able to attend to her quickly, hear her, and just the closeness of her.

But with Rachel growing and getting bigger and becoming more animated and wriggly, she needed more room.

So last night we put her to bed in her crib in her own room. We put the monitor on so we could hear her (it works - 610AM came very early today!). David ended up sleeping on the floor in there with her - just in case.

It's another step in her growing up, and in our journey as first-time parents. She will be great, it's us I'm worried about!

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