About Me

David and I are first time parents. We have been married over 7 years and share a wonderful life together. We have a 6 and 1/2-year old black Lab named Kona. And now we have our beautiful daughter, Rachel. We enjoy traveling, playing tennis, movies and music/going to concerts. We are excited to share our life experiences with you. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


This week David and I were able to put some of Rachel's clothes away for good - they are clothes they actually don't fit her anymore. Some are the fuzzy outfits she wore in the hospital when she was born, and some are side snap shirts we bought after she was first born. We thought we'd never get to this point since Rachel was so little when she was born. It was an exciting moment!

And we are realizing her diapers are not fitting any more either. They are a little snug and require some pulling to get them to fit. This weekend we are going to try some larger diapers to see if they fit better. Unfortunately her day care has a box of 92 diapers in the smaller size they need to go through - we might have to just give up and provide them with the bigger size diapers.

She is also advancing in some of her skills. She is now holding on to blankets, burp cloths and clothes. She is "talking" more and more, smiling and laughing all the time. When she is in her swing she will stare up at the animals spinning around, and in her bouncy seat she is now intrigued by the lights and animals. We play a game where she lays on the sofa and I hold her hands. I count to three and pull her up. She used to need me to pull her up the whole way - now she starts pulling herself up before I finish counting to three.

Out little girl is growing up so fast!

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