About Me

David and I are first time parents. We have been married over 7 years and share a wonderful life together. We have a 6 and 1/2-year old black Lab named Kona. And now we have our beautiful daughter, Rachel. We enjoy traveling, playing tennis, movies and music/going to concerts. We are excited to share our life experiences with you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend

My dad and Margie came to visit this past weekend. They arrived Saturday afternoon and left Sunday after lunch. They had come down when Rachel was born and then again late in July, but didn't want to wait until mid-October when she is baptized.

We hung out at our house Saturday afternoon for a few hours and let them hold and play with Rachel. Then we went to dinner at Sweetwater Tavern. YUMMY! We were celebrating our 6-year wedding anniversary, which was Sunday, August 31st, as well as my dad's birthday, which is September 9th.

On Sunday we went to church (we were just about on time this weekend!) and then out to breakfast at IHOP. Then they left for home after a stop at Cracker Barrel to purchase an audio book for the ride home.

It was a short visit, but we'll see them again in 6 weeks.

The rest of the weekend was relatively uneventful. David and I went to Old Navy so he could buy some work pants. I bought a coat - a gray knee-length trench-type coat...and it was on sale! I recently realized that I need to replace any and all coats I own - from spring to rain to winter. I also need to replace some clothes before I go back to work, but that requires trying on clothes which I was not in the mood for. (Have I mentioned I hate shopping?) David and I ate dinner at Cracker Barrel on Sunday evening - since it was our anniversary and we didn't feel like cooking.

Monday David gave Rachel a bath and then we ran some of the usual errands - Target and the grocery store. It was nice to have the extra day to spend with David...and then he was back to work today.

The next long weekend - Thanksgiving! URGH!

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