About Me

David and I are first time parents. We have been married over 7 years and share a wonderful life together. We have a 6 and 1/2-year old black Lab named Kona. And now we have our beautiful daughter, Rachel. We enjoy traveling, playing tennis, movies and music/going to concerts. We are excited to share our life experiences with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weighing in

I took Rachel to the pediatrician on Friday. She had some "goop" on her right eye and a very stuffy nose. Turns out the "goop" is from a clogged tear duct - she just had her tears "come in" within the last two weeks, so that function is still a little immature. So we had to get some eye drops to use twice a day for just a few days. We also have to start using Nasonex for her nose...spraying it on a Qtip and rubbing it into her nostrils. She also has to take Zantac since she spits up frequently, sometimes out her nose! :( The pharmacist was surprised to see 3 prescriptions for a 6-week old! Poor thing!

But the exciting part was that Rachel got weighed. She is now 7 pounds! She was born at 5 pounds, 9 ounces, but had dropped to 5 pounds within 5 days of being born. But in 5 weeks she has gained two pounds. So she is doing well and growing.

She is also holding her head up and is trying to push herself up with her arms. She is very animated with her eyes, looking around everywhere and at everything. She is very active with her arms and legs too - they are always flaling around! I am so proud of my so very strong and beautiful girl!

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